Werner Heisenberg
14 Publications
What bad is not
Breaking bad, apophatic and dramaturgic continua from creator to viewer, and a poetics of the philosophy of religion
in: Philosophy and breaking bad, Berlin,
"In the no-man's-land between physics and logic"
on the dialectical role of the microscope experiment
in: Grete Hermann, Berlin,
Consciousness, quantum physics, and hermeneutical phenomenology
in: The multidimensionality of hermeneutic phenomenology, Berlin,
Creative innovation
insights from neurobiology and economics and their implications for social decision-making
in: Rationalität der Kreativität?, Wiesbaden,
What demonstrative induction can do against the threat of underdetermination
Bohr, Heisenberg, and Pauli on spectroscopic anomalies (1921–24)
Synthese 140 (3)
Werner Heisenberg, Philosophie [Ordnung der Wirklichkeit]
Le manuscrit de 1942
Revue philosophique de Louvain 97 (1)
Heinrich Hertz's mechanics
a model for Werner Heisenberg's april 1925 paper on the anomalous zeeman effect
in: Heinrich Hertz, Berlin,
14 Publications