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Angela Ales Bello

5 Publications

Il Bambino

Edmund Husserl

Fattore Umano Edizioni -


German text and Italian translation of Husserl's text Das Kind (Husserliana XV)with a long commentary in connection with some husserlian textes contained in Grenzprobleme, Husserliana XLII

The sense of things

Angela Ales Bello

Springer - Berlin


This book proposes a new interpretative key for reading and overcoming the binary of idealism and realism. It takes as its central issue for exploration the way in which human consciousness unfolds, i.

The divine in Husserl and other explorations

Angela Ales Bello

Springer - Berlin


Phenomenology, ontology and sciences in Hedwig Conrad-Martius


Angela Ales Bello (ed)


Culture e religioni

Angela Ales Bello

Città Nuova -


5 Publications