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Nikolaj S. Trubeckoj

Prince Nikolai Sergeyevich Trubetzkoy was a Russian linguist and historian whose teachings formed a nucleus of the Prague School of structural linguistics. He is widely considered to be the founder of morphophonology. He was also associated with the Russian Eurasianists.

4 Publikationen

Fondamenti di fonologia

Nikolaj S. Trubeckoj

Einaudi - Turin


Principles of phonology

Nikolaj S. Trubeckoj

University of California Press - Berkeley


Principes de phonologie

Nikolaj S. Trubeckoj

Klincksieck - Paris


Grundzüge der Phonologie

Nikolaj S. Trubeckoj

Jednota Československých Matematiků a Fysiků - Prague


4 Publikationen