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Patrick R. Flack

Université de Fribourg

Managing director of sdvig press and post-doc researcher at the Central-European Institute of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague. Specialised in Philosophy of Language and Intellectual History, with a particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe and a background in literary theory, phenomenology, semiotics and the history of linguistics.

4 Publications

Merleau-Ponty and structuralism

Acta Structuralica

Beata Stawarska, Patrick R. Flack (eds)


The eight essays included in this issue offer a structuralist re-reading of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy and/or testify to its central role within the contemporary history of phenomenology and structuralism as well as of Gestalt Psychology, Deconstruction, Deleuze’s philosophy, Feminism, and other approaches that accompanied and often contested basic tenets of phenomenological and structuralist thought. The first half of the issue is devoted to pre-Second-World War structuralism and its influence on the genesis and development of Merleau-Ponty’s work.

Idée, expression, vécu

Patrick R. Flack

Hermann - Paris


Il est coutume, depuis les grandes polémiques des années 1960, de considérer la phénoménologie et le structuralisme comme des traditions rivales, antagonistes. À rebours de cette doxa, les études réunies dans ce recueil retracent la longue histoire et les synergies conceptuelles fortes qui les unissent.

Phenomenology and linguistics


Simone Aurora, Patrick R. Flack (eds)


The expressiveness of experience

Patrick R. Flack

Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy - Prague


4 Publications