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Publication details

Jahr: 2015

Pages: 81-86

Reihe: Rivista di estetica

Volle Referenz:

Carola Barbero, "Un bel dì vedremo", Rivista di estetica 58, 2015, pp. 81-86.


What makes Nespolo’s Madama Butterfly so distinct? Not the fact that it is its unique exemplar, in fact artworks as grand operas are essentially repeatable. What does that mean? How could we then explain why Nespolo’s stage costumes and scenery perfecty fit? By clarifying the kind of object Madama Butterfly is.

Cited authors

Publication details

Jahr: 2015

Pages: 81-86

Reihe: Rivista di estetica

Volle Referenz:

Carola Barbero, "Un bel dì vedremo", Rivista di estetica 58, 2015, pp. 81-86.