18 Publications
< 13 - 18Social intolerability of the Christian revelation
a comparative perspective on the works of Jacques Ellul and Peter L. Berger
in: Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st century, Berlin,
Technological acceleration and the "ground floor of civilization"
in: Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st century, Berlin,
Technological system and the problem of desymbolization
in: Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st century, Berlin,
The reception of Jacques Ellul's thought in French protestantism
in: Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st century, Berlin,
The technological society
social theory, McDonaldization and the prosumer
in: Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st century, Berlin,
Truth, reality and the ten commandments
not for theology alone
in: Jacques Ellul and the technological society in the 21st century, Berlin,
18 Publications
< 13 - 18