"this new feature of natural philosophy"
pp. 107-172
in: , The principles of quantum theory, from Planck's quanta to the Higgs boson, Berlin, Springer, 2016Abstract
This chapter considers Bohr's argument concerning, in his phrase, "the epistemological lesson of quantum mechanics," an argument advanced under the general heading of complementarity, the term that initially referred to a concept and a principle but that eventually came to designate Bohr's interpretation of quantum phenomena and quantum mechanics. While centered on Bohr's ultimate, RWR-principle-based, interpretation, the chapter will address the development of Bohr's thinking, in part under the impact of his debate with Einstein, leading Bohr to this interpretation. Sect. 3.1 offers a general introduction. Sects. 3.2 and 3.3 consider the concept and principle of complementarity. Sect. 3.4 discusses the EPR experiment and what I shall call "the EPR complementarity," which grounded Bohr's analysis of the experiment in his reply to EPR's paper. Sect. 3.5 discusses Bohr's ultimate, RWR-principle-based, interpretation. Sect. 3.6 considers Bohr's view of quantum probability and statistics.