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Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2001

Pages: 127-144

Series: Philosophy and medicine

ISBN (Hardback): 9781402002007

Full citation:

Richard Zaner, "Thinking about medicine", in: Handbook of phenomenology and medicine, Berlin, Springer, 2001


The acceptance of many new medical procedures is fueled by their being promoted as "treatments' promising to correct or ameliorate some "condition,' rendered as both awful and "medical.' In vitro fertilization is a clear instance.

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Berlin

Year: 2001

Pages: 127-144

Series: Philosophy and medicine

ISBN (Hardback): 9781402002007

Full citation:

Richard Zaner, "Thinking about medicine", in: Handbook of phenomenology and medicine, Berlin, Springer, 2001